- 中村弘峰
NYのNowHere Galleryにて二人展を開催します。
B-OWND @bowndjp チームと、プロデューサーの石上賢くんのご尽力にも最大限感謝します。
B-OWNDは12月14日(木)からはアメリカ・ニューヨークにあるギャラリー「NowHere」において、“Classical Mutation”と題して、陶芸家・古賀崇洋と人形師・中村弘峰の二人展を開催します。
陶芸家・古賀崇洋氏×人形師・中村弘峰氏 二人展 概要
タイトル 「Classical Mutation」
会期 2023年12月14日(木)~2024年1月14日(日)
会場 NowHere Gallery(40 Wooster St.,New York, NY10013)
12月14日(木) オープニング
15:00~18:00 メディア・VIP
【B-OWND NY Exhibition】
“Classical Mutation”
Ceramic artist Takahiro Koga and Hiromine Nakamura at NowHere in NY
B-OWND features Takahiro Koga and Hiromine Nakamura under the title “Classical Mutation” at NowHere in New York. Approximately 100 works by ceramic artist Takahiro Koga and Hiromine Nakamura can be explored.
Both their works were born from going back and forth between the past and present, utilizing techniques unique to crafts similar to contemporary art. However, the two’s works emit strong individuality by blending pop cultures such as anime, sports, and fashion with traditional Japanese aesthetics. Enjoy taking a look at the works that harmoniously combine technology and expression, tradition and innovation, and movement and stillness.
Exhibition of Ceramic artist Takahiro Koga and Hiromine Nakamura produced by B-OWND
Tiltle:”Classical Mutation”
Date:December 14th- January 14th
Location:NowHere (40 Wooster Street First Floor, New York, NY 10013)
Opening reception:Thursday, December 14th
15:00~18:00 Media・VIP Only
18:00~20:00 Opening reception